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Awards & More!

Haha. So, I feel REALLY stupid, because apparently 5 days ago I was given an award by Danica and didn't even notice it until now! haha. I read through that post of hers too and completely missed the fact that my name was on the list in her blog. LOL

Before passing on this award, you must follow the RULES:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link.
2) Pass the award to other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

But without furthur ado, i'm gonna pass this on to..

But to continue on...
My sister got some fake nails from Revlon for free to try out due to her beauty blog! haha isn't that cool? But she sent several sets of nails so i decided to try a set. They were a little tricky to get on because I've never done my own fake nails before and the glue was SUPER quicky to dry and SUPER STRONG too. haha. I made a mistake on one of my nails BUT it was fairly easy to take off. All I had to do was soak my nail in acetone and it practically dissovled away. (: then i could re-do.

Arent they cool looking? Not bad for my first whack at fake nails.

Also, I got some BumpIts today! I was so excited. haha I like big voluminous hair, and unfortunately I dont have that. I tried it out really quick, and I like it! haha I cant wait to try it out forreal with straightened, and behaving hair. (: take a peek.

I cut the bump off. oops.

And lastly, I've got two looks. If you want any more info on them, just ask!

Black, Grey and White smokey ^

Brown Smokey^

My sister actually did the brown look for me. haha


KRYSTAL said...

wow love the nails, girl! and i love your hair, looks so healthy and shinyyy!

donnarence said...

love the hair mo.. wah.. thanks for the award..

Unknown said...

the nails look great!! :)

Toothfairy said...

love the nails and congratz on the award!
Love your blog design, esp. the header! So cute!
